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Uncover Your Root Cause,
Transform Your Life


2. Better Health... 


3. Better Health... 



Transform Your Life With Healing That Goes Beyond Symptoms.

Our advanced, non-invasive biofeedback testing uncovers the hidden causes of your health challenges.

With a personalized wellness plan, we address the root issues, empowering you to heal and thrive in all areas of your life; physically, emotionally, and energetically.


Finally Discover the Missing Piece to Your Healing.

Uncover What Others Have Missed with Advanced Biofeedback Testing

Could This Be the Breakthrough You've Been Seeking?

The most sophisticated, non-invasive technology available to pinpoint the root of your health issues and start you on your path to recovery.

Finally, Uncover the Hidden Patterns in Your Health

Get the clarity you've been searching for with cutting-edge biofeedback technology and tailored insights.

A Unique Approach to Complex Health Challenges

With over 12 years of experience, we connect the dots that others can'; bringing you the answers your body has been waiting for.

Are you tired of feeling like a mystery case?

Endless appointments, tests, and still, no clear answers. It's exhausting.

You've been left to connect the dots yourself, feeling fragmented and unheard. But deep down, you know there's something more; something beyond what conventional labs have found.

You feel it, don't you?
A gap in your healing that no one's been able to pinpoint.

What if you could finally uncover what's been hidden all along?

At Tucson Biofeedback, we specialize in non-invasive data driven testing that sees beyond the limitations of traditional medicine. Our cutting-edge biofeedback technology detects what others miss, diving deep into your body's natural frequencies, patterns and the too often missed to reveal the root causes of your health concerns.

Click HERE  to read our Announcement

Our dedicated team has successfully overcome a wide range of complex conditions, including: POTS, MCAS, Migraines, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Mold Toxicity, and more. Our entire team, both past and present, began as patients, experiencing the transformative healing process firsthand through a treatment program.

With over 12 years of experience, we've achieved an 87% success rate in tackling the most challenging health issues.

Many who walked this path before you were on the brink of giving up. Yet, they found their transformation here. Discover their stories of suffering turned to hope and begin to imagine your own CLICK HERE

What if Tucson Biofeedback could be the Last Stop on Your Healing Journey?

Our Selective Approach:
At our clinic, we prioritize depth and intimacy in the healing journey. As a small-volume clinic, we are limited in the number of intakes we can accomodate  each month.. Enrollment in our treatment programs is done on a selective, case-by-case basis, allowing us to dedicate the time and energy necessary to foster true healing and transformation.

All of our Testing and Treatment Modalities Are:

~ Holistic
~ Completely non-invasive
~ Evidence-based
~ Drug-free
~ Tailored to each individual

We've invested over $300,000 in cutting-edge technology, expert training, and the mastery of uncovering the root causes behind unexplained and invisible illnesses. Each modality works in synergy, amplifying the effectiveness of the others to guide you on your unique healing journey. If you?ve found yourself here, it?s no accident; it's by Divine Appointment. This is your moment to finally uncover what's been missing and step into the vibrant health and vitality that is your birthright.

Dr. Blessing pioneered this approach to overcome and heal her own health challenges, launching this center to empower others to do the same. This isn't just theory from textbooks; it's the result of 12 years of hands-on application, lived experience, and embodied wellness that defied all odds. Dr. Blessing didn't just study these concepts?she lived them, sharing her transformation with thousands of others over the past decade. We are a small volume clinic intentioanlly, and can only see a small number of poeple each month, and enroll people into treatment programs on a selctive case-by-case basis as this work is very intimate and 1:1.

This is your invitation to Reclaim your Divine Birthright of Vibrant Health and Vitality.


Tucson Biofeedback: 
Holistic Healing Solutions for the Modern Age

At Tucson Biofeedback, we see you, we hear you, and we hold you with care. Our Specialty Clinic is uniquely designed for those who have tried everything else to be  a Healing Sancturay for you.

Utilizing a synergistic blend of Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, Frequency-Specific Microcurrent, and other advanced healing technologies, we accelerate your healing journey, condensing years of progress into mere months. With over a decade of clinical practice, we offer personalized care and transformative results. We are here to support you every step of the way on your path to wellness.

~ Are you a complex and sensitive case, still battling health issues due to treatments that haven't aligned or been effective?

~ Are You a Spiritually Sensitive Being or Seeker on What Seems Like a Never-Ending Healing Journey?
(Unsure if you are a Spiritually Sensitive Soul? Click HERE to find out.)

~ Curious how Biofeedback and other forms of  Frequency Medicine can help you? We have integrated 10 unique healing modalities that have remained largely inaccessible for over a century, setting our approach apart from all the rest.

Imagine finally harnessing the momentum and strength to conquer your stubborn health issues by stepping into the transformative and gentle world of frequency medicine.

Healing Through Integration
At Tucson Biofeedback, we understand that maintaining your vibrational state and physical vitality is essential for living with greater joy, ease, and harmony. Our mission is to empower you to manage your personal vibration, access your vibrant health, and overcome your health challenges by understanding their origins and unwinding them from the root out. Your healing journey enables you to contribute positive energy to humanity and elevate the frequency of our planet collectively: what we heal in ourselves, we heal in the world.

"The differentiation between the psyche, the brain, and the body is purely academic. In reality, they are one." ~ Ryke Geerd Hamer

We incorporate elements of German New Medicine, a cutting-edge approach that precisely links specific shock-traumas, stressors, losses, or conflicts to corresponding brain constellations, which subsequently manifest as health diagnoses such as prostate cancer, fibromyalgia, POTS, arthritis, and more.

Bridging Science and Spirit
In the old paradigm, Spirit and Matter, Ether and Form were separated. To heal and evolve as a species, we must unify these realms. As the saying goes, insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. Clearly, our current methods are failing, given the rising health crises, perpetual wars, and environmental conflicts. At our center, we bridge Science and Spirit to create a holistic approach to healing. As within, so without. 

Pioneers in Frequency Medicine
With over 12 years of pioneering frequency medicine, we have streamlined our approach by merging different synergistic modalities. This has enabled us to condense what would typically take years or decades into mere months with our custom treatment programs. .....Our leading question to condense your healing journey has been: "How can we achieve the greatest results with the least amount of time and effort and the greatest amount of ease?"

Personalized Care
We understand that you are a unique and complex individual, with layers of conditions and experiences you've been navigating. At Tucson Biofeedback, we know that cookie-cutter approaches won't work for you, they didn't for us either. That's why we tailor every Treatment Program specifically for you, with the care and intention you deserve. We approach your healing journey with compassion and dedicated support, ensuring every step is personalized to meet your unique needs. Sometimes, the most important thing we need is a caring guide and a nurturing space to unfurl.

Healing is a recipe, and your recipe will be unique to you.

Advanced Techniques
Our clinic not only specializes in surprising results but does so through scientifically validated modalities like Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, Frequency-Specific Microcurrent, and other cutting-edge technologies like TeraHertz. Most of these have over a century of documented uses and evidence-based data. These advanced techniques tap into your body's own potential to heal at both the physical and energetic levels. Here, you'll receive personalized care that meticulously integrates your unique story into a scientifically precise and spiritually enriching journey toward wellness. Experience the power of a truly holistic approach and understand why our clients consider their results nothing short of miraculous.

Meant to Be?
If you have found us, perhaps it was meant to be. We do not engage in marketing or advertising and operate solely on personal referrals from past members or those who are actively searching for a solution and discover our work.

Neurofeedback Tucson AZ | Biofeedback Tucson AZ

Tucson Biofeedback: Frequency Healing Center

Are You Struggling with Sensitivities and Chronic Conditions?

Ever wonder why you struggle with the challenges you do while so many others seem to neglect their health and thrive?

Many spiritually sensitive beings face unique health challenges such as:
 food and environmental sensitivities, autoimmune conditions, POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome), Fibromyalgia, and the difficulty of living in the density of Earth's current constructs. Many call these "Star Seed dis-eases" as our society has been operating from the energetics of fear, cruelty, greed and disconnection from the earth which can make those of us who are sensitive physically ill. These conditions can feel overwhelming and isolating, but you are not alone. Our clinic is devoted to helping individuals like you navigate these challenges.

Integrating Ancient Spiritual Wisdom with Modern Science

What Originally Started as just Biofeedback...
What began as a center focused on Biofeedback has since grown into a one-of-a-kind clinic offering over 10 different modalities, with more than 10,000 applications for even the most layered health challenges.

At Tucson Biofeedback we combine scientifically validated technology and treatments rooted in quantum physics and neuroenergetics with the age-old wisdom of the Healing Arts. This holistic approach ensures that the root causes of your health issues can gently unwind while nurturing your spiritual growth and alignment with your Unique Purpose. Our modalities are time-tested, non-invasive, and transformational.

There are hundreds of thousands of scientific studies and case studies from the past century that validate our methods and the technology we employ (we've compiled a very small amount HERE).  Numerous books have been written on the efficacy and truth of what we do here which you can begin your journey learning about HERE. The extensive time, study, and clinical hours have consistently demonstrated the effectiveness of our mind-body-spirit approach for the thousands who have sought healing with us over the past decade +.

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Dr. Anna Blessing


Meet Dr. Blessing, a native of Seattle, WA, who has discovered her Happy Place amidst the radiant landscapes of Arizona. Her journey from overcoming a multitude of ailments, including Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Migraines, Anxiety/Depression, Histamine/Chemical Sensitivities, EBV, Mold Toxicity, and C-PTSD, led her to dedicate her life to guiding others on their healing paths...

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Meet Our Team


Therapy Pup


Sarah L.



Stacy T.



Anna P.



Services Available

Book a free phone consult today to learn more!

Did you know, we work with people all over the USA and beyond through our Virtual Clinic?

We have the ability to administer: QEEG Brain Mapping, Full Body Biofeedback Scnas, Neurofeedback, Biofeedback, Food SensitivityTreatments and more virtually!

Get Started


Dr. Blessing and her team are amazing! My husband had a major problem with alcohol, and my 16 year old son was struggling with anxiety and depression, and through treatments they both have made incredible improvements...

Carmen J.

Dr. Blessing is amazing! She helped me heal from things every other doctor told me were "normal" when I knew they weren't. I had many food sensitivities, stomach pain basically every time I ate and also have ADHD so I struggled with focusing...

Joana A.

Having spent the last decade of my life perusing every alternative health treatment I could find (or so I thought!) in my quest to find answers to my enduring and worsening health symptoms, I came across Tucson Biofeedback and Dr. Blessing...

Leslie A.