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Remote Biofeedback Center in Tucson

Did you know, we work with people all over the USA and beyond through our Remote Biofeedback Center? That’s right, we have the capability to make most of our services accessible to you through our remote center.

Most of the Health Challenges such as: Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Disorders, Inflammatory Disorders, MCAS, POTS, Chronic Fatigue, Migraine Headaches, Food Sensitivities and GI Issues, Mast Cell/Histamine Issues etc are administrable from the comfort of your own home.

Our Remote Center Services are Listed Below:

Full Body Biofeedback Scans

These are where we begin with everyone as they generate about 30 pages of data unique to YOU including food sensitivities, environmental sensitivities, organ and system stress, mental/emotional stress, and more. Click HERE to download a sample report.

**equipment required**

QEEG Brain Mapping

QEEG brainmapping is a decades old standardized way to gather data on a brain's function, giving both you and the practitioner valuable insights ito the function, health and patterns of your brain. Some patterns indicate ADHD (C-PTSD) like pathways, others can pick up what we have seen show up on individuals with Fibromyalgia. Gaining insights in your brain health can equip you to rewire it for optimal health and function all from the comfrot of your own home. The same equipment used for the QEEG assessment can be used for a series of Neurofeedback training sessions where the brain training programs are customized and deployed to your profile unique to youe QEEG data, CPT (cognitive performance test) and personal narrative equiping you to overcome the issues that have been plaguing you. Click HERE to preview a sample QEEG report. QEEG brain mapping in Tucson, AZ and beyond has never been easier!

**equipment required**

Remote Neurofeedback Training

Remote Neurofeedback is now availble through our online platform. Train from the comfort of your own home with customized Neurofeedback programs built and deployed unique to your brain patterns and maps. With each new QEEG and Assesment, if needed you will receive new programs to continue your progress. The brain is the master hardware of our body and overall health, unless it is working optimally we won't ever achieve optimal health.

**equipment required**

Food and Nutrient Sensitivity Treatments

These are what are “Core treatments” consist of. By harnessing the power of Biofeedback (Biological Feedback unique to the individual) we are able to effectively de-sensitize the body of its reactions to food and nutrients such as: vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. We have yet to meet someone who has not had a sensitivity to nutrients which is what makes chasing food sensitivities such a cat and mouse game. Once the SET Biofeedback Treatment is applied the body normalizes it’s response thereby cutting down chronic inflammation by virtually shutting off our “inflammatory triggers”. Inflammation kills, and many of us are triggering this inflammation daily through things we consume that are Healthy.

Imagine not having to fear eating anymore? You could be one of the 100's we've helped overcome food & environmental sensitivities for good.

These treatments are 1 of our Core 3 Treatments and have shown as a root contributor in every POTS, MCAS, Autoimmune and inflmmatory conditions.

A short summary of how and why they work can be found here: "The SET Biofeedback Treatments support the neutralization of sensitivities and triggers. During periods of stress, be it physical or emotional, the cell’s state of vulnerability to discordant frequencies increases Electro magnetic fields such as mobile phones, microwaves, Wifi, computers, household wiring etc., can enter cells through the cell membrane and build up internally, thereby, altering the cell’s balance. We predicate that once the body has undergone a period of stress, it will tend to block any thing that it was exposed to during that time in order to avoid any exposure of it in the future. Cells are most vulnerable during periods of stress: the greater the stress, the greater the incidence of acquiring illness. For example: An individual undergoing a state of stress, during a mobile phone call, while eating an apple."

**equipment required**

Chemical Sensitivity Treatments

Much the same process as above, these fall into the “inhalants” category. Many clients who have been multiple chemicals sensitive can go through life without reactivity once completed. We also have treatments for our own body (think how autoimmune conditions respond).

Imagine being able to breathe without triggering a Cytokine and Histamine Storm?

**equipment required**

EVOX Biofeedback Sessions

These sessions are amazing at healing and clearing emotional stress, stagnation, trauma, old patterns that no longer serve etc. Many have reported they achieved what 10 years of therapy had attempted to do. Mostly because this works on clearing patterns deep in the subconscious and releasing the deeply held emotions. The subconscious controls 90% of our body, life, health and patterns and it lies beneath our awareness. 1 session shifts what 1-2 decades of therpay has attempted to change.

You can learn more about our EVOX treatments by clicking HERE.

**equipment required**

Immunity Today Biofeedback Scans

Similar to the above but specifically and only looking at the Immune System in real-time to better support your personal Immune Defenses. View a sample Immune Report HERE.

**equipment required**

FSM Treatments

Many people both in clinic and afar invest in their own personal FSM system that is preloaded with either 99 or 540 different protocols, some of people's favortites (reticular activating system, amygdala, locus coeruleus, etc) were created by Dr. Blessing herself.

If you have not yet heard of this, you are in for a treat! There are over 1,000 applications for Frequency Specific Microcurrents. Did you know we can order in your own personal FSM Device loaded with 99 customized protocols for you and your whole family to use? FSM has over 2 decades of research and mind-blowing efficacy with the correct applications. We utilize this for a host of different challenges and have amazing immune-boosting protocols. In clinical trials, the application of a specific frequency pair boosted the immune system by nearly 70% permanently. Each system has protocols that can be loaded to your needs when you invest in your own at-home FSM system. Learn More about Frequency Specific Microcurrent by clicking HERE.

PS: this BOOK is a great read in helping you understand the powerful effect of Resonance Therapy and Frequency Medicine “The Resonance Effect”.

Custom Immune Homeopathic Tinctures

This is done via a unique process utilizing your live saliva/mucous sample and infused into a Homeopathic Tincture. These are especially wonderful if and when you are acutely ill. But they also support the body’s harmonization of whatever lies in your live sample even if it is chronic.

NOTE: we are currently also combining Corona and SARS homeopathic imprints into the tincture in addition to your live sample. Details are gone over during the session where you are walked through the process.

This does not TREAT any particular issue, feel free to research how homeopathic remedies work, we suggest Antonie Peppler's work and books.

**equipment required**

BioResonance/Biofeedback Scans with Balancers

Our bodies are fluid and in constant flux. When you utilize the Remote Quick Scans, over a series and number of them you can begin to see where the problem areas are while simultaneously balancing them for more optimal health.

For example, it can pick up what many labs may miss due to a limited ability to view the body and it's systems. For example it has the capacity to pick up challenges such as: lyme, pelvic inflammatory disorder, thyroid etc. In a session, you do not have to be present. We connect remotely then run the scans and the balancing Biofeedback Frequencies optimized for you. You also receive the reports emailed to you upon completion. Click HERE to learn more.
