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SET Biofeedback for Dogs

dog putting paw in persons handFood and Environmental Sensitivity Elimination Treatment through Biofeedback for Dogs (administered remotely)

SET Biofeedback Treatments

Our specialized SET (Sensitivity Elimination Treatment) protocol for dogs addresses a wide range of sensitivities, helping to reduce or eliminate discomfort and improve overall health. These treatments can be administered remotely, ensuring convenience and accessibility for pet owners. You act as the proxy fo ryour animal whild holding or touching your pet. The Biofeedback sequence will go through it's process using your hand as the connector.

In this day and age most humans and a growing number of animals are now experiencing challenges with food and environmental sensitivities. Why? a number of reasons this link HERE goes a bit deeper.

Treatment Examples:

  • Nutrient Groups: Identifying and addressing sensitivities to essential nutrients such as: amino acids, vitmains, minerals, probiotics. These are the 1st set of sessions on an Animal SET Program before moving into food groups.
  • Food Groups:
    • Meat/Poultry: Chicken, beef, lamb, etc.
    • Vegetables: Carrots, spinach, broccoli, etc.
    • Fruits: Apples, berries, bananas, etc.
    • Food Additives: Preservatives, colorants, flavor enhancers, etc.
    • Chemicals: Common food processing chemicals.
    • Pesticides: Residues found in our woil, water and air that when ingested over time can lead to kidney and liver failure.

Chemical/Environmental Sensitivities:

  • Geopathic Stressors: Addressing sensitivities to environmental energy disturbances.
  • Electromagnetic Sensitivities: Addressing sensitivities to EMF's which we are exposed to 24/7
  • Mold/Fungus: Addressing sensitivities mold and fungal sensitivities.
  • Bacteria: Targeting bacterial sensitivities affecting overall health.
  • Parasites: Treating sensitivities related to parasitic infections.
  • Viruses: Reducing sensitivities to common viruses.
  • Steroid Hormone Pathway: Balancing sensitivities within the hormone pathways.
  • Brain/Nerves: Addressing sensitivities affecting neurological function.
  • Hormones: Managing hormonal imbalances and sensitivities.
  • Neurotransmitters: Regulating sensitivities affecting mood and behavior.
  • Lymph: Supporting the lymphatic system to reduce sensitivities.
  • Stomach/Intestines: Treating gastrointestinal sensitivities.
  • Skin: Managing sensitivities affecting skin health.

    For a Complete list of our Core SET Treatments click HERE

LENS Neurofeedback

Supporting Dogs Dealing with Anxiety, PTSD, and Nervous System Dysregulation

Our LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System) Neurofeedback treatments help dogs suffering from anxiety, PTSD, and nervous system dysregulation. This non-invasive therapy supports mental and emotional well-being, helping pets overcome triggers and improve their quality of life. This form of Neurofeedback has been used successfully with humans for nearly 3 decades and has been expanded into animal uses over the past decade.

TeraHertz Therapy

Supporting Pain, Organ Challenges, Neurological Difficulties, Cellular Issues, Longevity, and More

TeraHertz Therapy is a versatile treatment modality that can support a wide range of health challenges in dogs, including:

  • Pain Management: Alleviating chronic and acute pain.
  • Organ Challenges: Supporting the health and function of vital organs.
  • Neurological Difficulties: Addressing issues within the nervous system.
  • Cellular Issues: Enhancing cellular repair and regeneration.
  • Longevity: Promoting overall health and longevity through cellular support.

    The emerging research coming out of Asia has shown it's effectiveneess in a nuner of serious health challenges that we cannot list here. Click HERE to learn more.

Cold Lasers

Red Light, Scalar, and Violet Lasers for Pain Management, Unwinding Stress in the Nervous System, and Other Biological Support

Our Cold Laser treatments utilize Red Light, Scalar, and Violet Lasers to provide effective pain management and support for various biological functions. These lasers help in:

  • Pain Management: Reducing inflammation and alleviating pain.
  • Nervous System Support: Unwinding stress and promoting relaxation in the nervous system.
  • Biological Support: Enhancing overall cellular function and health.

    Email or book a FREE PHONE CONSULT to inquire about current openings.