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Are You a Spiritually Sensitive Person?

Written By Tucson Biofeedback on July 3, 2024

What is a Spiritually Sensitive Person?

The Spiritually Sensitive Soul

A spiritually sensitive person, or in more acurrate words a Spiritually Gifted Person is someone who exhibits a heightened awareness of spiritual elements and experiences in life. They understand the interconnectivity of life and typically feel things very deeply and find the current ways of society to be destructive and disjointed. This sensitivity can manifest in various ways, often influencing how a person perceives and interacts with the world. Here are some key characteristics and implications of being spiritually sensitive:

Characteristics of a Spiritually Sensitive Person

  1. Deep Intuition: Spiritually sensitive individuals often have a strong intuition. They may have a keen sense of understanding or knowing things that are not visible or directly communicated.

  2. Empathy and Compassion: They typically exhibit high levels of empathy and can deeply understand or feel the emotions and suffering of others. This makes them compassionate towards people and animals alike.

  3. Connection with Nature: Many spiritually sensitive people feel a profound connection with nature and the environment. They may find peace and rejuvenation in natural settings and often feel distressed about environmental degradation.

  4. Perception of Energy: These individuals may be more attuned to the energies around them, whether from places, people, or objects. They might describe sensing the "vibe" or aura of environments or individuals and in turn try to be what others perceive them to be to avoid co flirt or disturbance  

  5. Interests in Spiritual Practices: They often explore various spiritual practices like meditation, yoga, prayer, or other rituals that foster a deeper connection with the divine or the universe.

  6. Reflective and Contemplative: Spiritually sensitive people tend to be reflective, often pondering life's deeper meanings and existential questions. This can sometimes lead them to feel overwhelmed by the complexities of life and human experience. And in extreme overwhelm and heartache it can lead to wanting to be unALIVE. 

  7. Discomfort with Overstimulation: High sensitivity can make crowded or noisy environments challenging, leading to a preference for solitude or quiet spaces where they can "recharge."

Implications of Spiritual Sensitivity

  1. Enhanced Perception: Their heightened perception can enrich their personal and professional lives, allowing them to navigate social interactions with empathy and insight.

  2. Emotional Challenges: The depth of their emotional experience can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation or being misunderstood by those who are less sensitive or have different values.

  3. Guidance in Life Choices: Spiritual sensitivity often guides individuals in making life choices that align with their values and the greater good, many times prioritizing fulfillment over material gains.

  4. Vibrational Depletion: because you are so sensitive, many people draw on your enery, or you tend to drain it from focussing on all the things that are wrong with this world. Daily Vibraitonal reclaibraiton is necesary if you are to exist int he density of this plane. 
  5. Mental and Emotional Health: While their sensitivity can be a strength, it may also predispose them to stress, anxiety, or depression if they do not manage their emotional input and environments effectively.

Supporting Spiritually Sensitive Individuals

Supporting a spiritually sensitive person involves understanding their need for meaningful connection, time alone, and a supportive environment that respects their sensitivity. Encouraging them to engage in practices that ground and protect their energy, like mindfulness and setting boundaries, can also be beneficial.

Overall, spiritually sensitive people offer a unique perspective and contribute significantly to the emotional and spiritual depth in their relationships and communities, often advocating for empathy, understanding, and environmental stewardship. Our world is not yet evolved to be a supportive environment  for the spiritually sensitive which can make navigating life very difficult for them. 


Challenges for Spiritually Sensitive People


Spiritually sensitive people often face unique challenges and health ailments due to their heightened awareness and deep perceptivity. Here’s a look at some of the common difficulties and health issues they might encounter:


  1. Emotional Overwhelm: Because of their high empathy and deep emotional capacity, spiritually sensitive individuals can easily become overwhelmed by the emotions of others and the environment around them. They might feel the pain and distress of others as if it were their own, which can be emotionally draining.

  2. Feeling Misunderstood: Their deep inner life and the intensity of their experiences can sometimes make them feel isolated or misunderstood by those who may not share or understand their sensitivity. They often feel like they don’t belong here and yearn for “home” even if they do t know where home is  

  3. Difficulty in Crowded or Chaotic Environments: Overstimulating environments, such as crowded places or noisy areas, can be particularly challenging. The overload of sensory and emotional input can lead to discomfort or a need to withdraw to quieter, more controlled spaces. On sole circumstances it can trigger panic attacks  

  4. Conflict Avoidance: Due to their peace-loving nature, spiritually sensitive individuals often struggle with confrontation and may avoid conflict, which can sometimes lead to unresolved issues, repressing emotions or being taken advantage of in personal or professional relationships.

  5. Vibrational Depletion: Because you are so sensitive, many people draw on your energy, or you may drain it by focusing on all the things wrong with the world. Daily vibrational recalibration is necessary for you to exist in the density of this plane. Regular practices such as frequency modalities, high-frequency music, sound healing, vibrational recalibration with crystals, and frequency technology are essential. These tools help you maintain your vitality and protect your sensitive nature from becoming depleted. These are crucial for you as a Spiritually Sensitive and Gifted Soul. 
  6. Struggling with Practical Matters: Being focused on spiritual or existential issues can sometimes lead to difficulties in handling practical day-to-day tasks or decisions. They might prioritize spiritual or emotional well-being at the expense of practical considerations as the practical daily tasks feel overwhelming, unending and exhausting. This can appear as ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Avoidance, Outbursts etc  

Common Health Ailments

  1. Fatigue: Chronic fatigue is common among spiritually sensitive people due to the constant processing of high volumes of emotional and sensory data. This can lead to physical exhaustion, even when they haven’t engaged in physically strenuous activities.

  2. Anxiety and Depression: The depth of their emotional world can predispose spiritually sensitive individuals to anxiety and depression, particularly if they feel unable to express or manage their emotions effectively.

  3. Stress-Related Disorders: High levels of stress, from either internal or external sources, can manifest in disorders such as POTS, insomnia, headaches, or gastrointestinal issues.

  4. Autoimmune Diseases: There is some evidence suggesting that chronic stress and emotional overload can impact the immune system, potentially leading to autoimmune diseases where the body mistakenly attacks its own tissues.

  5. Sensory Overload Conditions: Conditions like fibromyalgia or MCAS which is characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and heightened reactivity to food and environmental triggers may be more common in those who are highly sensitive, as their bodies react more intensely to physical and emotional stressors.

Coping Strategies

For spiritually sensitive individuals, it's crucial to develop effective coping strategies that help manage their sensitivities and maintain their health. Some helpful approaches include:

  • Routine Grounding Practices: Engaging in grounding practices like meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature to manage and dissipate the intense energy they absorb.
  • Boundary Setting: Learning to set healthy boundaries with others to protect their emotional space.
  • Vibrational Hygiene: because you are so sensitive to things, which makes you such a gift your Vibraitonal Hygiene is crucial. Regular use of frequency modalities, high frequency music, sound healing, vibraitonal recalibraiton with the use of crystals, frequency tech etc are not luxuries for you, they are the difference between vitality and despair or numbness.By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you ensure that your sensitive nature remains a powerful asset rather than a burden.
  • Seeking Supportive Communities: Connecting with like-minded individuals or support groups who understand and share their sensitivities can provide emotional support and understanding.
  • Professional Guidance: Working with healers or counselors who specialize in sensitivity and a holistic approach can help manage physical, emotional and psychological challenges effectively.

By addressing these challenges and health issues with understanding and supportive practices, spiritually sensitive people can better navigate their experiences and contribute their unique strengths to their communities.

Tucson Biofeedback: a Sanctuary for the Spiritually Sensitive

If this sounds like you, our center was birthed by a Spiritually Sensitive Soul as a Healing Sanctuary and a safe, nurturing container for gentle souls. Most clinics, offices, and life in general are built without considering the energetics and spiritual aspects, leading to overwhelming environments with chaotic disruptions. Here, you will find safety, calm, nurturing, and allowance to unwind just as you are. Reach out today and see if there is something we can help you with.

Posted In: Nervous System Spirituality Body Frequency Crystal Tuning