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Unraveling Migraines and Chronic Headaches Through German New Medicine: A Holistic Path to Healing

Written By Tucson Biofeedback on September 16, 2024

woman with headache holding templesMigraines and chronic headaches are debilitating conditions that affect millions of people worldwide, often with no clear cause or long-lasting relief. Conventional medicine tends to focus on managing symptoms, but for many, the root cause remains elusive. Enter German New Medicine (GNM)—a revolutionary approach developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, which offers a deeper understanding of how emotional trauma and unresolved conflict shocks are intimately linked to the development of migraines and other chronic headaches.

In this blog, we’ll explore how GNM explains these conditions, and how integrative modalities like neurofeedback, subconscious healing, hypnosis, and frequency-specific microcurrent can help identify, release, and resolve the underlying emotional conflicts causing migraines.

The GNM Perspective: Emotional Trauma and Brain Constellations

German New Medicine posits that every disease, including migraines, is triggered by a Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS)—an unexpected emotional shock or conflict that the individual is not prepared to deal with. This conflict creates an impact in a specific area of the brain, forming what GNM calls a brain constellation. Migraines and chronic headaches, in particular, are associated with:

  • Territorial Conflict: This involves feelings of intrusion or violation, whether emotional, physical, or relational. For example, migraines may arise when someone feels their personal boundaries are being invaded—whether it’s their space, their role, or their emotional territory.
  • Intellectual Conflict: These occur when the individual is grappling with a mental or intellectual problem they can’t seem to solve. This type of stress overloads the frontal lobe, creating tension and pressure that manifests as headaches or migraines.
  • Self-Devaluation Conflict: In some cases, migraines stem from a self-devaluation conflict, where individuals feel inadequate, not good enough, or incapable of resolving issues that weigh heavily on them.

According to GNM, the brain relay affected by the conflict sends signals to corresponding organs or tissues, triggering physical symptoms. In the case of migraines, these signals often affect the cerebral cortex, which controls pain perception in the head, leading to chronic migraines or tension headaches.

How Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, and Subconscious Healing Help Uncover and Resolve Trauma

While GNM provides an insightful explanation of how emotional trauma leads to physical conditions, the key to healing lies in identifying and resolving the underlying conflict. This is where integrative modalities come into play.

Neurofeedback: Rewiring the Brain for Balance

Neurofeedback works by mapping the brain’s electrical activity, allowing us to see how specific areas of the brain are affected by unresolved trauma. Through non-invasive sensors, we can measure dysregulation in the cerebral cortex and other regions involved in pain perception. Neurofeedback helps "train" the brain to restore normal activity patterns, reducing the frequency and intensity of migraines by resolving emotional stress that has been imprinted in the brain.

  • Neurofeedback promotes neuroplasticity, helping the brain rewire itself and break free from the constant loop of tension and pain caused by emotional conflicts.

Subconscious Healing and Hypnosis: Accessing Deep Emotional Roots

Emotional trauma often resides deep in the subconscious mind, influencing thoughts, behaviors, and physical health in ways we aren’t fully aware of. Hypnosis and subconscious healing allow individuals to access the emotional roots of their migraines, uncovering the conflict shock that started the chain of events leading to their chronic pain.

  • Hypnosis helps individuals release stored trauma, addressing the emotional layers of the conflict and helping them move beyond the fear, guilt, or anger they may be holding onto.
  • Subconscious healing techniques, like guided imagery or timeline therapy, allow individuals to revisit the moments of trauma and heal them, effectively breaking the pattern that keeps migraines recurring.

Frequency-Specific Microcurrent: Repairing Cells and Tissues

At the cellular level, emotional trauma affects the way our body’s cells communicate, creating dysfunction and pain in tissues related to the brain and nervous system. Frequency-specific microcurrent (FSM) uses low-level electrical currents to target specific tissues affected by trauma, helping cells regenerate and repair.

FSM is particularly effective in addressing the neurological and muscular components of migraines by:

  • Reducing inflammation,
  • Improving blood flow, and
  • Restoring cellular communication pathways.

In combination with neurofeedback and hypnosis, FSM helps heal the physical manifestations of trauma stored in the body’s tissues, promoting both physical and emotional balance.

Migraines, Emotional Trauma, and the Body’s Memory

In The Body Keeps the Score, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk highlights how trauma gets stored in the body, not just in the mind. Migraines are one of the body’s ways of communicating unresolved emotional conflicts, storing the tension and trauma in the muscles and nervous system. The autonomic nervous system becomes dysregulated, sending mixed signals that lead to the intense pain of migraines.

The trauma remains locked in the body’s information field and cells, which is why biofeedback, neurofeedback, and subconscious healing are so crucial—they help us access these hidden traumas. Without resolving the emotional conflict, the body will continue to manifest the pain in the form of migraines.

A Personalized, Non-Invasive Approach to Healing

At Tucson Biofeedback, we use an integrative approach combining neurofeedback, biofeedback, subconscious healing, hypnosis, and frequency-specific microcurrent to uncover and resolve the emotional and physical roots of migraines. By creating a personalized treatment plan, we address the brain constellations and trauma imprints that have triggered chronic migraines, allowing you to break free from the cycle of pain.

Our non-invasive methods provide:

  • A deep understanding of how your emotional and mental health are impacting your physical symptoms.
  • The tools to release stored trauma and retrain your brain to function optimally.
  • A path to long-term relief from migraines without relying solely on medications.

Conclusion: Break Free from Chronic Migraines

Migraines and chronic headaches often have deeper emotional roots than we realize and in our case we have found them to be multi-layered requiring a multi-dimensional approach with a number of modalities we provide here. By understanding the German New Medicine perspective and using cutting-edge modalities like neurofeedback, subconscious healing, and frequency-specific microcurrent, you can resolve the emotional conflicts that are driving your pain. Book a consultation today and start your journey toward a migraine-free life. Dr. Blessing and her technicians have liberated themselves from chronic long-standing migraines and have helped many others do the same.

Posted In: Migraine German New Medicine