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The Hidden Link: Histamine Reactions and their Impact on Fibromyalgia and Autoimmune Conditions

Written By Tucson Biofeedback on March 14, 2024

a woman with neck pain

Fibromyalgia and autoimmune conditions are two complex health issues that affect millions of people worldwide, often causing chronic pain, fatigue, and a host of other symptoms. While these conditions have traditionally been approached separately, emerging research suggests a fascinating connection: histamine reactions may play a significant role in triggering and exacerbating both fibromyalgia and autoimmune conditions. In this blog, we'll explore this intriguing link and how understanding histamine's role could lead to more effective treatments and relief for those who suffer.

Histamine Reactions: A Quick Overview

Histamine is a naturally occurring compound in the body, best known for its role in allergic responses. When the body encounters an allergen, histamine is released, leading to various symptoms like itching, redness, and swelling. However, histamine has a broader impact on the body, and its role extends beyond allergies.

Histamine and Inflammation

Histamine is also involved in the body's immune response and plays a role in the regulation of stomach acid, neurotransmission, and even pain perception. When histamine levels become imbalanced or the body has trouble breaking down histamine, it can lead to a range of health issues.

The Histamine-Fibromyalgia Connection

Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread pain, fatigue, and tender points. Recent research suggests that histamine intolerance, which occurs when the body struggles to process histamine properly, may trigger or exacerbate fibromyalgia symptoms. When histamine levels are elevated due to intolerance or a diet high in histamine-rich foods, it can contribute to chronic pain and inflammation, common hallmarks of fibromyalgia.

Autoimmune Conditions and Histamine

Autoimmune conditions occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body's own tissues. The relationship between histamine and autoimmune conditions is complex but significant. Histamine is involved in regulating the immune response, and an overactive immune system can release excess histamine, contributing to chronic inflammation. This ongoing inflammation can worsen the symptoms of autoimmune diseases.

Histamine Intolerance as a Trigger

Histamine intolerance can be a trigger for autoimmune conditions. When the body struggles to break down histamine, it can lead to an accumulation of histamine in the bloodstream, which exacerbates inflammation and immune system dysfunction. This increased inflammation can contribute to the development of autoimmune conditions or worsen the symptoms of existing ones.

Managing Histamine-Related Issues

Understanding the role of histamine reactions in fibromyalgia and autoimmune conditions opens up new avenues for treatment and management. Here are some steps individuals can consider to address histamine-related issues:

  1. Dietary Changes: Limiting histamine-rich foods and beverages, as well as foods that promote histamine release (e.g., alcohol, certain aged cheeses, processed meats), can help reduce histamine intake.

    **this becomes impossible if or when someone is sensitive and reactive to nutrients, which we have found every single Fibromyalgia and Autoimmune case to be. Therefore nullifying elimination diets. The only way out of this is to retrain the brain and body’s responses to the trigger or stressor through modleities that rewire and reboot the system such as: SET Biofeedback, Frequency Specific Microcurrent, BAUD and EVOX. 
  2. Supplements: Some individuals may benefit from taking supplements that support histamine metabolism, such as DAO (diamine oxidase) or vitamin B6.
  3. Stress Management: Stress can trigger histamine release. Learning stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can help manage histamine-related symptoms.
  4. Consulting a Frequency Medicine Specialist: If you suspect histamine intolerance is contributing to your fibromyalgia or autoimmune symptoms, consult with a healthcare professional who understands the intricacies of the brain and patterns that have contributed to these expressions. 
  5. Biofeedback, Neurofeedback and Frequency Modalities: If you suspect you are struggling with Fibromyalgia or Autoimmune challenges it is crucial to bring in modalities that address the unseen since these diseases are called “invisible illnesses”. Non-Invasive frequency modalities have the potential to shift up to 97% of your condition gently, effectively and with the right application and repetition. 

For more information on managing histamine-related health issues and exploring holistic approaches to well-being, book a FREE phone consult today! 


While Healing takes time and repetition to rewire the system out of its current state, it is possible. The connection between histamine reactions and fibromyalgia/autoimmune conditions is an evolving field of research that sheds new light on these complex health issues. Recognizing the impact of histamine intolerance and its role in chronic pain and inflammation may offer hope and more effective treatment options for those who suffer from these conditions. While this information is still emerging, it underscores the importance of a holistic approach to health, considering all factors that may contribute to an individual's well-being.

Posted In: Fibromyalgia